
Posts Tagged ‘html 5’


In Uncategorized on February 6, 2009 at 12:06 am

     Content writing for the web basically consist of getting straight to the point directing your readers to the real information you want them to get. Even in technology blogs the writing is very straight forward taking the reader to the meat or the content that they desire.  A specific process just like print must  take place before visually designing a web site. Knowing what this website is about helps determine what content you are looking to build. Tips such as the 3 click rule are very important to remember and consider. The attention span of the viewer can expire quickly if it takes too long to reach the content info they are looking for.

     The web development process also includes knowing who your target audience is as well. The style in which it is designed the fonts, color scheme, and technical differences will tell you who the site is designed for. Keeping in consideration that each browser has to be tested individually for the purpose of compatibility. Specific codes can easily take care of this but, it is within the designer or encoder to make sure the website works well with different net browsers. Until the entire world works off of broadband service or a better created service in the future each web browser must be tested. The fact that everything is becoming more technological technology its self is changing and playing a greater role in our lives. HTML 5 is discussed as something in the works for the future down the line what we do not know is exactly how it can effect web designing and the Internet. We must now keep up with technology and alter  the Internets personality each time. This means designers need to always upgrade their knowledge in the world of design and technology. Internet application are part of the revolution and helping social network communities become more interesting Social networking communities such as face-book and myspace have applications you can add to your page that can allow you to have a digital pet others can interact with right on your page. Everything is revolving around interaction. If a campaign can become interactive to your target in an appropriate way they the product will sell.

     You have to consider the amount of work a web designer must encounter to upload a good website. This consist of it being a beautiful website and it should have the ability to function correctly. Not having a hard time finding a product or a specific link is due to having a good navigation. Site Maps are also important and can be used as a back up or a easy way to over view everything on the site. The blogs as a whole basically let you know that if you can create a website step by step and understanding the technical aspect and art of the creation you can be successfully. The most interesting point of web design is how accessible and interactive your site can be. Who can access it and how because now phones can access the Internet and its getting better. I did the majority of my home work on my phone, reading through the blogs and pre-writing everything on my note pad. I emailed it to myself and transferred it for editing and posting. Its like a bridge between being portable and at a desk but it works.